Saws & Service in Nashville, AL

With enough usage, any saw blade will eventually lose its sharp edge, and will begin to perform less efficiently. When you notice this happening with any of your blades, you should contact us at Miner Saw, Inc., so we can restore your blades to their original high level of cutting proficiency, and so you can get many more hours of precision cutting on the job.

Saw Blade Sharpening in Nashville, TN

There are many different types of saw blade which require sharpening, and we have the equipment to sharpen each type here at Miner Saw, Inc. Whichever kind of blades you may have, you can count on us to deliver high-quality results and give you a well-sharpened blade.

  • Carbide-Tipped Saw Blades

    Our CNC Grinders have programs for many different top grind configuration to provide precise sharpening of carbide-tipped saw blades. Our sharpening service includes inspection, normal hammering and tensioning, as well as tip replacement (where needed) or complete re-tipping.

    Rip – Cutoff – Panel – Glue Line – Nail Cutting – Mitre – Edger – Plywood/Laminate – DryCut Steel Non-Ferrous Metal

  • High-Speed Steel

    Saws, Dado sets, Weedeaters

  • Bits

    In addition to saws, we also offer router bit sharpening. Our sharpening extends to straight bits, MTP bits, spiral bits and more.

  • Shaper Cutters

    Straight – Door Sets – Raised Panel – Edging – Beading

  • Planer Knives

    The sharpening of high-speed steel, solid carbide, and carbide-tipped knives.

  • Resaw Bandsaw Blades

    Another of our specialties, we can provide sharpening service for varieties between 1″ and 1-1/2″, and we can do re-welding for 1/4″ to 1-1/4″.

planer knives

Additional Services & Products in Nashville, TN

If you happen to need any new blades or router bits, we can provide a wide array of products for you to choose from.

  • New Saw Blades

    We have new blades for sale, if you should need any, and we work with only the top manufacturers, to ensure that you get a high-quality blade.

  • Bits

    We keep a good supply of bits on hand, if you should need a new one, and you’ll have several great options to choose from.

  • Planer Knives

    If you’re a wood-worker and you need a new planer knife, we can accommodate you right here at our Miner Saw, Inc. shop.

Need a Saw Blade Sharpening in Nashville, TN?

If you need any of your blades or bits sharpened in Nashville, TN, the one place to go is Miner Saw, Inc.

Nashville Saw Blade Sharpening FAQs

Some of the questions we are asked most frequently are shown below, but if you have others, please do contact us and we’ll be glad to provide you with a courteous answer.

  • How Much Does Saw Blade Sharpening Cost in Nashville, TN?

    The actual cost of blade sharpening services will depend on the number of teeth your blade has, as well as the type of blade it is, and the final cost can be anywhere from $15 to $65.

  • How Much Does Saw Blade Repair Cost in Nashville, TN?

    The cost of blade repair in Nashville, TN will generally be tied to the kind of repairs that are necessary but will generally start at around $15.

  • How Much Does Saw Blade Repair Cost in Chattanooga, TN?

    Repair costs will always depend on what kind of repairs are necessary, but will generally cost between $15 and $65.

  • How Much Does it Cost to Sharpen Bits in Nashville, TN?

    Depending on the type of bit you have, it might cost anywhere from $6 to $25 for sharpening.

Points of Interest & Activities in Nashville, Tennessee

If you happen to be in the Nashville, TN area at any time, there are some points of interest you won’t want to miss, including those described below.